Hatagoya's Desk

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

International Falls, Minnesota, Winter
(a few decades from now, a century)
based on the writings of David Auerbach

by Michael H. Brownstein

In the sweet wish of day,
a scone of buttercup and dew,
a lisp of cloud, a wash of sky—

in the heat of the valley,
in the heat of the rock lines,
in the heat of Kabetogama,
in the heat of broken asphalt—

the song of the scarlet macaw,
vibrating toad, blue lipped frog,
and lantern bug. Everywhere
water lily, wild rose, snakes with limbs,
lists and lists of whitewashed bone.


donalmahoney said...

One of the finest pieces I have ever read.

Unknown said...

Wonderful poem, chilling and beautiful.

Michael H. Brownstein said...

Thanks for the kind words.

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