Hatagoya's Desk

Sunday, June 16, 2019

Vulture Ritual

by Wesley D. Sims

Buzzards congregate at dusk,
blitz a large oak tree to roost
like a bagful of black clothespins.
Morning draws them out
to perch on fence posts
around a near pasture like a village
of totems, wings spread wide
as if some mysterious ritual.
The sunshine chases away
mites that plague them.


Lynda McKinney Lambert said...

Another beautiful and thoughtful poem by Wesley Sims! I've never seen a Vulture, but I fell like I have after reading this poem. I particularly liked his use of simile here.

Stan Absher said...

"Bagful of black clothespin" - a simile worthy of P.G. Wodehouse - a high compliment.

I once saw about 20 vultures with their wingspread in the morning son. At first glance I took them for a small solar farm.

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