Hatagoya's Desk

Sunday, June 12, 2016

The yard is full of ice

by Sarah Henry

when the hail storm comes.
Ice bounces hard on the grass.
They say an oak feels pain
when another falls in the forest.
Both trees collapse, screaming.
In the spruce, a nest like spun
glass holds an uneasy finch.
Songbirds navigate by radar
and the stars at night.
The storm was all
a big mistake.
The yard is full of ice.


Anonymous said...

Lovely work. We don't get to keep the finches once the ice rolls in, here, but I love the image of the empathetic oaks. Marvelous work!

Sarah said...

Thanks for your kind words. It is really
true that trees tremble when another tree is cut. They act afraid.

Sarah said...
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