Hatagoya's Desk

Sunday, July 1, 2018

Afternoon at Rockaway, Oregon

by Daniela Lorenzi

At last the fog is lifting.
Its echo hangs in the air—
a haze over sand and water
refracting tepid sunlight; now
the waves that boom
to shore glint silver, a never-
ending attack and retreat
a thousand icicles
skipping on the crests.


Crafty Green Poet said...

Lovely descriptions, particularly the echo of fog

DanielaL said...

Thank you -- it really was just that magical/mystical kind of day. So glad I was there to experience it!

Anne O'Neil said...

I love how you've captured the silvery coolness of the day with the descriptions of the mist and the water. Lovely!

DanielaL said...

Thank you, Anne. It truly was an amazing afternoon.

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