
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

"rain sharpens"

by Stephen A. Rozwenc

rain sharpens
the latest infatuation
with clemency

palm trees lining the avenue
sway with death sacrament vertigo

sidewalk angels
schoolgirls from another time
costumed in dark blue pleated skirts
and frilly white blouses
glow like perfect criminal flowers
forbidden and thus exalted
by the magic tongue
that twinkles from the universal mind

1 comment:

Jack Ward said...

Raised on Robert Frost and Pete Seger, Stephen Rozwenc is one of the finest poets ever to wander down from the foothills of the Berkshires. With a body of work spanning decades; and based on life experiences others
only dream of, he weaves images of a parallel reality that are as delicate and ephemeral as they are visceral and provocative. His powerful work, depending on the reader's world view and tolerance for self-reflection, will either caress
the psyche- or savage the soul.

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